dottiff: Program + bubbles
dottiff: Groomsmen waiting for ceremony to begin
dottiff: IMG_0012
dottiff: Andy's brother (Best Man) holding his daughter before ceremony starts
dottiff: IMG_0007
dottiff: Tiff's mom walking down the aisle
dottiff: IMG_0004
dottiff: Flower girl Katie spreading flower petals
dottiff: Flower girl Katie spreading flower petals
dottiff: Bride about to walk down the aisle
dottiff: band during the ceremony
dottiff: bride arrives at altar
dottiff: receiving bouquet back
dottiff: you may now kiss your bride
dottiff: handing my bouquet to my sister
dottiff: my uncle bob's reading
dottiff: Tiffany's Uncle Bob doing his reading
dottiff: exchange of the rings
dottiff: exchange of the rings
dottiff: Ring exchange
dottiff: Ring exchange
dottiff: wedding ceremony
dottiff: Tiffany's bridesmaids
dottiff: bride finally arrives
dottiff: IMG_0019
dottiff: Ceremony
dottiff: Beginning of ceremony
dottiff: Beginning of ceremony
dottiff: We now pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Birch
dottiff: mr. & mrs. walking up aisle