dottiff: Andy's brother giving Best Man Speech
dottiff: Guests during dinner
dottiff: Maid of Honor speech
dottiff: Maid of Honor speech
dottiff: Best Man speech
dottiff: Best Man speech
dottiff: Uncle Ken & Aunt Judy watching Best Man speech
dottiff: Funny Best Man speech
dottiff: Watching Best Man speech
dottiff: Birch brothers
dottiff: Dancing with Katie
dottiff: First dance with flower girl
dottiff: Dancing with Katie
dottiff: Andy & Tiffany dancing with Katie, the flower girl
dottiff: Dancing with Katie
dottiff: First Dance
dottiff: Daddy Martin and Katie
dottiff: Daddy Martin and Katie
dottiff: dancing
dottiff: Friends from Art Center College
dottiff: dancing
dottiff: the lovely band at night
dottiff: Tiff dancing
dottiff: Everyone's place setting
dottiff: IMG_6185
dottiff: IMG_6181
dottiff: IMG_6167
dottiff: IMG_6162
dottiff: IMG_6163
dottiff: IMG_6164