Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: A real Power Shower...
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: In a few minutes, suddenly, I love you.
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: when i grow up
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: mirage sought
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: between the hours of 2 and 5am
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: Fire(y coldness)
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: The light was leaving us...
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: a bit of irish
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: some lyric from 'your ex-lover is dead' - Stars. I remember listening to that song a squillion times over when I was 17 and just heard it again now for the first time in years.
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: hotel plughole
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: Boys don't jump, Pumpkins do
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: Gave Good Face
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: Dublin Girl
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: girl with the fur by the bath
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: reluctantly subject to your disposal...
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: heartbeats that blow away
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: your legacy is the shape you leave behind *
Solarina~Lucy Nuzum: really really