Suma ~: Something for my coffee drinking friends.....
Suma ~: Blah, Blah, Blah
Suma ~: Mushroom and Leek pie...
Suma ~: Rhubarb, Ginger and Apple crumble with Custard
Suma ~: chilling out with friends at the Hookah Lounge...
Suma ~: ...
Suma ~: cooking and chilling with friends...
Suma ~: Latte break for T W O
Suma ~: Atif Aslam
Suma ~: mini Britannia....
Suma ~: yesterday's news and drink.....
Suma ~: You can stand under my umbrella....
Suma ~: Mr Beckett....
Suma ~: with a hint of lemon.....
Suma ~: Camden Lock
Suma ~: I want a pair of those doc martens....!!
Suma ~: easy rider...Brick Lane style...
Suma ~: Billy and the sunset.....
Suma ~: The Turbine Hall
Suma ~: The Turbine Hall
Suma ~: St Paul's and the bridge
Suma ~: Cy Twombly
Suma ~: art??
Suma ~: standing and watching....
Suma ~: interesting....
Suma ~: i wanted to buy them all....
Suma ~: cupcake delight........
Suma ~: let there be light...
Suma ~: break time....
Suma ~: remembering....