shukatron: dance dance revolution!
shukatron: dance dance revolution!
shukatron: happy hour at spuyten duyvil
shukatron: max g. and a potent brew
shukatron: mike s.
shukatron: cheese, bread n pepperonee
shukatron: waterfall in the catskills!
shukatron: mike p. takes a dip
shukatron: happy buddha karlito
shukatron: rugged
shukatron: chisel?
shukatron: rockstar waterfall
shukatron: asian music in sunny boston
shukatron: asian music in sunny boston
shukatron: that's cyrous
shukatron: kickball peptalk
shukatron: hard asses in the heat
shukatron: bench warmers n rejects (ha!)
shukatron: north 3rd and the river, BROOKLYN
shukatron: other ways of talking
shukatron: painted metal
shukatron: potential
shukatron: talkative, opinionated guy
shukatron: hero