Stephen Hui: Occupy Vancouver comes to mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: This debate is a scam!
Stephen Hui: Non-Partisan Association council candidate Sean Bickerton before mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Vision Vancouver councillor Tim Stevenson before mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Housing activists at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Rev. Gary Paterson of St. Andrew's-Wesley United Church
Stephen Hui: Gregor Robertson and Suzanne Anton at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Suzanne Anton and Gregor Robertson at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Gregor Robertson and Suzanne Anton at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Panellists Patrick Stewart, Mike Howell, Frances Bula
Stephen Hui: Suzanne Anton and Gregor Robertson at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Gregor Robertson and Suzanne Anton at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Vision Vancouver's Gregor Robertson at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Rocky Mountaineer protesters at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Boycott Sequel 138
Stephen Hui: Suzanne Anton and Gregor Robertson at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Suzanne Anton and Gregor Robertson at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Suzanne Anton and Gregor Robertson at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Suzanne Anton and Gregor Robertson at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Gregor Robertson and Suzanne Anton at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Occupy Vancouver protester at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Elizabeth Ball, Sean Bickerton, Mike Klassen
Stephen Hui: Vision/NPA in the pocket of big developers
Stephen Hui: NPA council candidates Bill McCreery and Elizabeth Ball
Stephen Hui: Gregor Robertson and Suzanne Anton at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Audience question at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Vision Vancouver councillors Kerry Jang and Heather Deal
Stephen Hui: Gregor Robertson and Suzanne Anton at mayoral debate
Stephen Hui: Vision Vancouver candidates Cherie Payne and Niki Sharma
Stephen Hui: Gregor Robertson and Suzanne Anton at mayoral debate