shugyou: Oh, the Sweetness!
shugyou: Cort and little Alejandro
shugyou: perfectly at ease
shugyou: Alejandro communes with Lucy.
shugyou: Alejandro loves reading.
shugyou: "¡Mis libros!"
shugyou: The breakfast gang
shugyou: Family portrait
shugyou: Mamá y Bebé
shugyou: Adorable!
shugyou: Love^2
shugyou: Mischievous smile
shugyou: Tongue!
shugyou: Looking through the chair back
shugyou: Coming atcha!
shugyou: Cort, Alejandro, and Tatiana
shugyou: Cort, Alejandro, and Tatiana