shugyou: 2006-11-24_15-15-18.jpg
shugyou: 2006-11-25_07-40-25.jpg
shugyou: 2006-12-03_13-47-44.jpg
shugyou: 2006-12-17_12-20-31.jpg
shugyou: 2006-12-18_11-16-40.jpg
shugyou: 2007-01-01_08-05-28.jpg
shugyou: 2007-01-14_14-16-54.jpg
shugyou: 2007-01-20_11-06-58.jpg
shugyou: 2007-01-20_11-07-12.jpg
shugyou: 2007-01-20_12-19-55.jpg
shugyou: lined up by cc.
shugyou: many, many motorcycles
shugyou: 2007-02-19_17-34-53.jpg
shugyou: 2007-03-10_08-07-08
shugyou: 2007-03-10_10-13-03
shugyou: 2007-03-10_15-25-27
shugyou: 2007-03-11_12-54-21
shugyou: two perfect gentlemen
shugyou: nicholas found the sunken treasure!
shugyou: 2007-05-01_11-17-03
shugyou: de-decal-ing samadhi
shugyou: ring around the manhole
shugyou: 2007-05-26_13-20-21
shugyou: wildflowers
shugyou: if only i could figure out my little minicam.
shugyou: back to the lifelines
shugyou: taking aim
shugyou: 2007-09-11_15-24-30
shugyou: 2007-09-11_18-28-35
shugyou: 2007-09-12_09-12-40