shugyou: video: alexander feeds the monkeys.
shugyou: monkeys in the canopy
shugyou: monkeys in the canopy
shugyou: pancho approaches miguel.
shugyou: pancho el rey de los monos arañas
shugyou: two monkeys and their bananas
shugyou: video: my banana!
shugyou: rapt
shugyou: luring the monkey out of the trees
shugyou: nicholas watches miguel and his friend.
shugyou: mariquita
shugyou: admiring the monkey's paws
shugyou: many hands
shugyou: monkey paw
shugyou: video: hypnotizing the salvadorean chicken
shugyou: video: my hat! - part i
shugyou: video: my hat! - part ii
shugyou: home
shugyou: boys at the gate to the airstrip
shugyou: pano of the international airport
shugyou: checking out the hangar
shugyou: trying to figure out the string hammock
shugyou: it's a swing!
shugyou: nicholas relaxing?
shugyou: wrapped up tight