shugyou: performing the preflight inspection
shugyou: heading out to the plane
shugyou: one last check
shugyou: pulling her out for flight
shugyou: in you go!
shugyou: waiting for the cfi
shugyou: "taxi for takeoff"
shugyou: more checklists
shugyou: kpao and the golf course
shugyou: "... and you lose an engine on base"
shugyou: a little high, but still looking good
shugyou: short final for rwy 31
shugyou: flare
shugyou: turning downwind, 31, kpao
shugyou: right on the vasi/glideslope
shugyou: enroute to ksql
shugyou: straight in for rwy 30
shugyou: very short final
shugyou: after a trip around the pattern
shugyou: are you ready?!
shugyou: Buh-bye Phil!
shugyou: is that a DA40 i see?
shugyou: turning onto final
shugyou: established on final
shugyou: short final
shugyou: yes, that does look like niner-papa-golf.
shugyou: flaring just before the vasi
shugyou: touchdown!
shugyou: roll out
shugyou: taxi to parking