shugyou: fishing at dawn
shugyou: david gives phil some pointers.
shugyou: first catch of the day!
shugyou: way to go team!
shugyou: the lines are never quiet.
shugyou: swivel and ocean
shugyou: phil's toro
shugyou: rosaline, our lovely hostess
shugyou: portrait at the rock
shugyou: my dorado
shugyou: tail on ice.
shugyou: prepare to lauch the balloon!
shugyou: ros and the red balloon
shugyou: phil fights his first bill fish!
shugyou: jumping marlin!
shugyou: lively sucker, ain't he?
shugyou: marlin, at the boat
shugyou: phil's marlin just before release
shugyou: well done phil!
shugyou: dolphins off the bow
shugyou: dolphins off the bow
shugyou: dolphins off the bow
shugyou: now this is a wake!
shugyou: phil and the wake