shugyou: alexander cheering us on
shugyou: 2007-03-04_10-18-33.jpg
shugyou: 2006-12-03_13-47-44.jpg
shugyou: testing drills
shugyou: boys and the coconut
shugyou: playing at paradise plaza
shugyou: alexander boogies down.
shugyou: the hat family
shugyou: men in hats
shugyou: alexander's dough trunk
shugyou: poor alexander!
shugyou: playing on the swings
shugyou: self-portrait in the "death star"
shugyou: alexander taking a breather in the american galleries
shugyou: 2007-11-21_14-13-51
shugyou: 2007-11-20_15-48-44
shugyou: 2007-11-18_13-29-55
shugyou: 2007-09-29_12-11-36
shugyou: 2007-10-25_16-16-20
shugyou: 2007-09-12_09-12-40
shugyou: the boys looked for the perfect piece to call their own.
shugyou: 2007-09-11_15-23-41
shugyou: and you thought getting it on was tough!
shugyou: it's a bit big.
shugyou: alexander on the limn
shugyou: 2007-05-26_13-31-20
shugyou: the mad cook and his creation.