shugyou: outbound through the valley
shugyou: keiko at don pedro lake
shugyou: entering yosemite
shugyou: dying lake
shugyou: siesta lake
shugyou: keiko at siesta lake
shugyou: keiko, ascending
shugyou: keiko and the waterfall
shugyou: pushing in on keiko and the waterfall
shugyou: another vista point in yosemite
shugyou: looking down the valley
shugyou: heading down tioga pass
shugyou: keiko's last glance at yosemite
shugyou: nevada, on the hoof
shugyou: the road stretches on.
shugyou: keiko in nevada
shugyou: channeling tripp
shugyou: the over-the-shoulder trick.
shugyou: chris, the ultimate traveling companion
shugyou: keiko, phone home.
shugyou: the intergallactic traveller
shugyou: keiko poses at the a'le'inn
shugyou: pretty new tarmac in nevada
shugyou: tumbleweeds make excellent kindling.
shugyou: cathedral gorge at sunrise
shugyou: campsite at sunrise
shugyou: on the road again.
shugyou: welcome to utah!
shugyou: george and his bikes
shugyou: vintage triumph and goldwing