shubbe: Zombie squirrel on campus.
shubbe: Here's Hilda meeting a Great Pyrenees at Snout by SnoutWest.
shubbe: Posted on a random door in a random hall in the Engineering-Science building.
shubbe: Perfect dog-walking weather this afternoon. I'm showing this one to her prom date.
shubbe: This was from Matt's birthday/eye appointment in October. That's our eye doctor.
shubbe: This is Crowsy. He looms on top of our china cabinet, because we have no sense of Appropriate Decorating, as evidenced by his friend Ratsy, the giant rubber rat, who also adorns our house 365 days a year.
shubbe: This was taken during my 2012 daily photo project, not today, but it's very, very relevant.
shubbe: Lego skeleton in a field of flowers. Obviously.
shubbe: Happiness is hugs from dad.
shubbe: A rooster crossing the road in Andice. Presumably to get to the other side. Because the other side is where the hamburgers live.
shubbe: This is from the Texas Tri Series finisher's party last year. I'm not sure what's going on, but it makes me laugh every time I look at it.
shubbe: UT Tower reflected in the turtle pond.
shubbe: Action shot! Enzo would really like The Thing, please, Hilda.