shubbe: Matt looking like he might hurt me.
shubbe: Mmm. Moving walkways.
shubbe: The wall and Matt agree: OK!
shubbe: Matt confidently navigating the BART.
shubbe: Ferry Building Marketplace
shubbe: Seagull and bridge.
shubbe: Posing with the Bay Bridge.
shubbe: My hunchy seagull friend.
shubbe: Unexpected sea lions!
shubbe: These sea lions were sooooo tired.
shubbe: Zooooom, the BART arrives!
shubbe: First to arrive at our gate. By.. several hours.
shubbe: Tired of being at the airport.
shubbe: Air New Zealand dinner.
shubbe: Air New Zealand breakfast.
shubbe: Flying over Fiji.
shubbe: Communing with nature.
shubbe: Inappropriately dressed.
shubbe: Ferry Building Marketplace
shubbe: Cheese is serious business.