Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Arriving in Whitstable on Saturday morning, our coach dropped us opposite The Peter Cushing pub (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: The former Oxford Cinema was opened as The Peter Cushing pub in 2011 (photo by Heather Owen)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Among the treasures in Whitstable Museum is this manually operated, horse-drawn fire pump, presented to the town in 1867 by the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society (photo by Heather Owen)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Diving helmets were first used in Whitstable. This very early helmet is displayed at the town's Museum (photo by Heather Owen)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Whistable's divers were employed in salvaging wrecked ships and building harbours and bridges (photo by Heather Owen)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Like The Peter Cushing pub, Whitstable Museum celebrates the town's most famous resident (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: At Whitstable Museum Bill Haynes poses alongside the jacket & waistcoat that Peter Cushing wore in the 1968 BBC "Sherlock Holmes" TV series (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Just a few of Whitstable Museum's many fascinating items from Peter Cushing's long and distinguished acting career (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Jean Upton & Roger Johnson stand either side of the jacket & waistcoat that Peter Cushing wore as Sherlock Holmes in the 1968 BBC TV series (photo courtesy of Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: A recent addition to the museum is the steam locomotive Invicta, built in 1829 by Robert Stephenson for the Canterbury & Whitstable Railway (photo by Heather Owen)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Bob Ellis produced a special limited edition of "Sherlock Holmes & the South Eastern" by Kelvin I Jones for the Society's Kentish expedition
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Standing before the locomotive Invicta, Bob Ellis presents a copy of Kelvin I Jones's "Sherlock Holmes and the South Eastern" to Whitstable Museum (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: A subtle joke at Whitstable Museum: Invicta's driver has a mobile phone in his left hand! (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: This fantastic fish is the work of the artist Emily Firmin, whose father Peter Firmin created Bagpuss, the Clangers and Noggin the Nog (photo by Heather Owen)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: One of the many quirky features of Whitstable: the Umbrella Community Centre (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: On our way to Peter Cushing's house, we pass this striking announcement. Not Holmesian ,but worth a picture! (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: A little way along from "Fred & Ginger" we come to Seaway Cottage, Peter Cushing's home for 35 years, until his death in 1994 (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: The commemorative plaque on Peter Cushing's former house in Whitstable was erected in about 2005 by Canterbury City Council (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: On the other side of Whitstable is Tankerton Beach, with fine views out over the North Sea (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Overlooking Tankerton Beach is Whitstable's Marine Hotel, where we enjoy a buffet lunch (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: After lunch there's time for a stroll on the grassy Tankerton Slopes (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Some enjoy a walk along Tankerton Slopes; others prefer to sit and enjoy the sea view (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: From Whitstable we head east, past Herne Bay and Reculver, to Quex Park, just outside Birchington-on-Sea (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Quex Park is the home of the extraordinary museum, founded by Major Percy Powell-Cotton in 1896 to house the natural history specimens he brought back from India and Tibet (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Percy Powell-Cotton was an explorer, hunter and - rather unexpectedly - an early conservationist. This is one of the dioramas in Gallery 1 (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: A different view of the same African diorama in Gallery 1 at the Powell-Cotton Museum (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Another display in Gallery 1 at the Powell-Cotton Museum (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: An introduction to Percy Powell-Cotton, and a few of the curious items from his vast collection (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Gallery 2 was actually the first gallery built for the Powell-Cotton Museum (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: This triptych in Gallery 2 is one of several items associated with the Coptic Church, brought by Powell-Cotton from the ancient Abyssinian capital of Gondar (photo by Roger Johnson)