Sherlock Holmes Society of London: The Elizabeth Tower, where Big Ben is temporarily silent, is encased in scaffolding (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: As always, there's a chance to chat in the bar (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: In the bar (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Charles Foley & Michael Meer (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Sir Ronald Watson & Lord West (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Sir Ronald Watson & Lord West are joined by the Society's Chairman, Elaine McCafferty (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Mike Homer (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Catherine Eggler & Jaz Davison (photo courtesy of Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Jane Arnold-Forster & Philip Porter (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Jaz Davison (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Everybody seems to be deep in conversation (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Ken McQuage & Joyce Austin (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: A happy quartet (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: The Stormy Petrel Supper (photo courtesy of the Cercle Holmesien de Paris)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Our Sponsor, Jo Johnson MP (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Audrey Jones & Jay Ganguly (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Table 7 - at left, Jack Schrandt, Bob & Judi Ellis, Nick & Marguerite Lipscomb (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Jo Johnson & Nicholas Utechin (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Philippa Kelly & Sir Ronald Watson (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Philip Porter & Jo Johnson (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Philip Porter & Jo Johnson (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Jack Schrandt, Judi Ellis & Bob Ellis (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Table 5 - George Powers, Gerald Kaufmann, Paul Van Bael & Radhika Brown (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Table 14 (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Catherine Eggler & unidentified friend (photo courtesy of Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Table 12 - Jane Arnold-Forster, Marjolein Verstraeten, Linda Smith, Alex Verstraeten, David Bentata, Michael Meer, Camilla Brace, Edward Hamill, Charles Miller, Sarah Sturgess (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Table 3 - Eileen Jones, Takeshi Shimizu, Ritsuko Furuta, Rik Grandia, Jeremy Jones (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Table 3 - Kenneth Gum, Brandon Gum, Lynn Gum, Peter Brunning, Sachiko Brunning (photo by Catherine Eggler)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Table 10 - Veronique Levrier (standing), Patrick Dennison, Ronald Chennell, Nancy Browning, Mike Homer, Jacqueline Kiefer (photo by Roger Johnson)
Sherlock Holmes Society of London: Guy Marriott, Lord West & Elaine McCafferty (photo by Catherine Eggler)