Rob Saker: Augustus up close
Rob Saker: Gus in the tall grass
Rob Saker: Augustus 2006
Rob Saker: Tired Mighty Squirrel Hunter
Rob Saker: Co-pilot Sleeping
Rob Saker: Faithful Co-pilot
Rob Saker: Puppy Gus
Rob Saker: Gus Speed Racer
Rob Saker: Augustus Perching
Rob Saker: Gus Hiding
Rob Saker: Gus and Victim
Rob Saker: Gus Swimming
Rob Saker: Augustus Life Jacket
Rob Saker: Gus the Traveler
Rob Saker: Gus hiding head
Rob Saker: Gus Swimming in Pool
Rob Saker: Swimming Schnauzer retrieving a stick in the pond
Rob Saker: Gus the Reindeer
Rob Saker: Gus the Hunter
Rob Saker: Gus Upset
Rob Saker: Gus looking out at Snowstorm
Rob Saker: Gus Lakeside at Sturgeon Bay
Rob Saker: Flat Stanley with Gus
Rob Saker: Puppy Gus Perking Ear
Rob Saker: Puppy Gus looking through the screen
Rob Saker: Gus peeking out the window
Rob Saker: Lap dog
Rob Saker: Gus on the rug with a bone
Rob Saker: Hanging at G-ma's house
Rob Saker: Gus at the gates