_.Chris._: The Shot
_.Chris._: self portrait...explore march 12th '05
_.Chris._: Waiting
_.Chris._: Cookin'
_.Chris._: Peace & Contentment
_.Chris._: Go Irish
_.Chris._: Hi!!!!
_.Chris._: Just the two of us
_.Chris._: Belly Rub Please
_.Chris._: A rose for you
_.Chris._: 8-365
_.Chris._: Green drip
_.Chris._: Pool's open
_.Chris._: Hello
_.Chris._: She sells.............
_.Chris._: Thanks!!!
_.Chris._: By all means.....Cartwheel!
_.Chris._: You and you
_.Chris._: Me & My puppy
_.Chris._: Morning Squint Not Squirt
_.Chris._: Me as seen by Kaley
_.Chris._: Bullshit!!!!
_.Chris._: Spam
_.Chris._: Happy Anniversary.