shpandrak: "Excuse me, While I kiss the sky"
shpandrak: Puyehue volcano crater
shpandrak: Earth From Above
shpandrak: Stupid Lava
shpandrak: Misdar Faltziv
shpandrak: Wet, Smelling of fish but soooo happy to get a ride
shpandrak: The only way to travel
shpandrak: Arab employees morning ride (Carretera Austral)
shpandrak: Perito Moreno
shpandrak: "It's the end of the world as we know it"
shpandrak: Vamos River Plate
shpandrak: Boiling Hot / Freezing Cold Termales
shpandrak: A funny looking friend
shpandrak: Chika Bonita
shpandrak: That what happends when you take shortcuts
shpandrak: Camping next to the Villarica volcano
shpandrak: El Garganta Del Diablo