Shosei_xj: A new girl arrives at the modeling house.
Shosei_xj: A new girl arrives at the modeling house.
Shosei_xj: A new girl arrives at the modeling house.
Shosei_xj: New girl in the house!
Shosei_xj: New girl in the house!
Shosei_xj: New girl was signed to the model house. Love her face and make up. Very fresh. Wish her hair is longer though.
Shosei_xj: New girl was signed to the model house. Love her face and make up. Very fresh. Wish her hair is longer though.
Shosei_xj: New girl was signed to the model house. Love her face and make up. Very fresh. Wish her hair is longer though.
Shosei_xj: New girls in da house! What a gorgeous bunch!!! I'm excited!! Two body donors and one clothes donor and six other girls who have been on my wish list. I should stop acquiring for a while...