shoX_: why go
shoX_: Sad But True
shoX_: gold
shoX_: almost
shoX_: what..
shoX_: please
shoX_: alien stick
shoX_: in blue
shoX_: bastard
shoX_: warrior
shoX_: Spider Web
shoX_: Puss
shoX_: red mosquito
shoX_: tekilla
shoX_: Love like sucide
shoX_: Velho
shoX_: No escape
shoX_: bored
shoX_: Telling the news
shoX_: in Jail
shoX_: Best Friends
shoX_: The Lions sleep tonight
shoX_: suricate
shoX_: Ducky Duck
shoX_: Dolphin
shoX_: Pig
shoX_: stripes
shoX_: free
shoX_: books books books