ShowHope: A bright star-Ryker
ShowHope: Baily AKA Iron Man
ShowHope: Cerina
ShowHope: Darkon the Dr
ShowHope: Darkon
ShowHope: Fahlin and Bradley
ShowHope: Fahlin passing out candy
ShowHope: Fahlin
ShowHope: Garrick the Dr
ShowHope: Hope the Angel
ShowHope: Jackson showing off his super powers
ShowHope: Laymon and Jesse
ShowHope: Maria Claire and Fahlin
ShowHope: Maria Claire
ShowHope: Maria Clarie and Vickie
ShowHope: Medical Staff
ShowHope: Nathalie2
ShowHope: Super hero Laymon
ShowHope: Tanner the Dr
ShowHope: The whole gang
ShowHope: Vincent the baker
ShowHope: walking outside