Doug Hilton: 1/365. 5k race loot.
Doug Hilton: 2/365. Some evening entertainment with my daughter.
Doug Hilton: 3/365. Christmas Eve Sarajevo. TSO in Reading.
Doug Hilton: 4/365 - sleepy Jax
Doug Hilton: 6/365 - first time this kit has seen daylight in 2 months. Back at it today shooting high school basketball.
Doug Hilton: 7/365 - Doctor Who with a cat on my lap.
Doug Hilton: 8/365 - Cheesy black bean-quinoa taco bake.
Doug Hilton: 9/365 - Perks!
Doug Hilton: 10/365 - color!
Doug Hilton: 11/365 - Interesting patterns in the frozen pond at Elizabethtown College.
Doug Hilton: 12/365 - Raspberry Panna Cotta
Doug Hilton: 13/365 - sunset
Doug Hilton: 14/365 - sometimes all it takes is the worlds perfect combo to lift my spirits.
Doug Hilton: 15/365 - Making weekend plans ;)
Doug Hilton: 16/365 - can't wait to try this! Death Wish Coffee.
Doug Hilton: 17/365 - Chilly start to the morning.
Doug Hilton: 18/365 - busted :(
Doug Hilton: 19/365 - Graupel on the Appalachian Trail. There were so many great photos from today, went with something a bit different.
Doug Hilton: 20/365 - Struggle
Doug Hilton: 21/365 - Frosty start to the morning.
Doug Hilton: 22/365 - Taken this too frequently lately. Stressed much?
Doug Hilton: 23/365 - Kind of gross!
Doug Hilton: 24/365 - I see you!
Doug Hilton: 25/365 - Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr.
Doug Hilton: 26/365 - a book and tea on a cold wintry night.
Doug Hilton: 27/365 - Denied!
Doug Hilton: 28/365 - lots of bibs
Doug Hilton: 29/365 - first tracks
Doug Hilton: 30/365 - Brussel's!!
Doug Hilton: 31/365 - shooting the icy river at sunset.