Shoumitro Chatterjee: Tufted Titmouse
Shoumitro Chatterjee: Common Grackle
Shoumitro Chatterjee: American Goldfinch
Shoumitro Chatterjee: The Northern Flicker
Shoumitro Chatterjee: Downy Woodpecker
Shoumitro Chatterjee: Northern Cardinal
Shoumitro Chatterjee: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Shoumitro Chatterjee: Black thorated green warbler
Shoumitro Chatterjee: Family of Canada Geese
Shoumitro Chatterjee: Mallard Female
Shoumitro Chatterjee: Mallard Pair
Shoumitro Chatterjee: House Sparrow
Shoumitro Chatterjee: American Goldfinch
Shoumitro Chatterjee: American Goldfinch... the kids.