ShotWideOpen: mother Mary speaks Vietnamese
ShotWideOpen: saigon dai pai dong
ShotWideOpen: saigon beer
ShotWideOpen: table 47 saigon
ShotWideOpen: saigon winnie
ShotWideOpen: 3 in 1 in saigon
ShotWideOpen: waiting in saigon
ShotWideOpen: saigon street vendor
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ShotWideOpen: reunion dinner in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: naked jamesy in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: caitlin in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: pete in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: big sister in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: grand nephew in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: aunt and niece in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: the original mr k in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: cheryl and je in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: james edward in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: mr and mrs k in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: jay boy in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: orchid in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: 1kg in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: valentines day in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: mrs kwan in full frame sonnar C
ShotWideOpen: down in ms mode
ShotWideOpen: bus stop in ms mode
ShotWideOpen: a couple in ms mode
ShotWideOpen: playmobil in ms mode
ShotWideOpen: lan kwai fong ms mode