Randy_Sosa: RFK Triboro Bridge
Randy_Sosa: Foggy Night View of the Brooklyn Bridge
Randy_Sosa: View down the East River
Randy_Sosa: (L)ooking (I)nto the (C)ity
Randy_Sosa: Hell Gate Bridge
Randy_Sosa: Midtown Skyline
Randy_Sosa: Fort Washington Park
Randy_Sosa: Industrial Cityscape
Randy_Sosa: FiDi Skyline
Randy_Sosa: "Beauty awakens the soul to act." -Dante Alighieri
Randy_Sosa: RFK Triboro Bridge
Randy_Sosa: Lighthouse Park
Randy_Sosa: Traveling at the Speed of Light
Randy_Sosa: Night by the Cove
Randy_Sosa: Full Moon and a Bridge
Randy_Sosa: "Land is the secure ground of home, the sea is like life, the outside, the unknown." -Stephen Gardiner
Randy_Sosa: A Bridge and a Skyline
Randy_Sosa: "Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven." -John Lubbock
Randy_Sosa: "New York is appalling, fantastically charmless, & elaborately dire." -Henry James
Randy_Sosa: "Beauty is whatever gives joy." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
Randy_Sosa: City Hall Park
Randy_Sosa: Astoria Park Track
Randy_Sosa: Summer Sky
Randy_Sosa: FDR Four Freedoms Park. Roosevelt Island, NY.
Randy_Sosa: 9/11 Tribute Lights