1000 Waves:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and friend
1000 Waves:
Zinnia on Day 220/365
1000 Waves:
1000 Waves:
New leaves on Day 221/365
1000 Waves:
Backyard falls on Day 218/365
1000 Waves:
On the fence
1000 Waves:
Hydrangeas are in full bloom
1000 Waves:
Playtime with the Ring
1000 Waves:
My backyard over the fence
1000 Waves:
Waiting for the Milky Way to appear Day 223/365
1000 Waves:
Milky Way Day 224/365
1000 Waves:
Hummingbird on Day 226/2023
1000 Waves:
Whitetail Skimmer Potd 227/365
1000 Waves:
American Painted Lady
1000 Waves:
1000 Waves:
Snail on a castor bean leaf
1000 Waves:
Moving towards the end of summer
1000 Waves:
Hummingbird Moth, Day 240/365
1000 Waves:
Is it still raining out there?
1000 Waves:
Ready for some cooler weather!
1000 Waves:
Sunny rainy day
1000 Waves:
A Long-Tailed Skipper
1000 Waves:
My backyard
1000 Waves:
Peach blackberry crisp
1000 Waves:
1000 Waves:
Summer days