Shortshooter - Al: White on Red!
Shortshooter - Al: Pied Magpie (PeeWee)
Shortshooter - Al: Gull gliding by.
Shortshooter - Al: Kookaburra
Shortshooter - Al: Darter -Canberra - Australia
Shortshooter - Al: Budgerigar.
Shortshooter - Al: Pretty in pink!
Shortshooter - Al: Red Winged Parrot.
Shortshooter - Al: Magpie Goose
Shortshooter - Al: Here he is again!
Shortshooter - Al: Hello Cocky!
Shortshooter - Al: Crested Pigeon
Shortshooter - Al: Who Loves Ya Baby!!!!
Shortshooter - Al: Rainbow Lorikeet
Shortshooter - Al: Lorikeet, I think.
Shortshooter - Al: Superb Fairy Wren
Shortshooter - Al: Superb Fairy Wren
Shortshooter - Al: Superb Parrot.
Shortshooter - Al: Masked Lapwing.
Shortshooter - Al: A Sun (Sunburst) Conure Parrot.
Shortshooter - Al: Here he is again!
Shortshooter - Al: The Result of crossing a Rainbow Lorikeet with something else.
Shortshooter - Al: Red Wattlebird.
Shortshooter - Al: Australian Raven or Crow.
Shortshooter - Al: Heckle & Jeckle.
Shortshooter - Al: Is Dinner Ready Yet????
Shortshooter - Al: Food for me!
Shortshooter - Al: Should I have a sip.