shorterstory: Tummy time on Tamar's blanket
shorterstory: Baby breakdancing
shorterstory: Jenn & Adam's onesie
shorterstory: Baby's first bath!
shorterstory: Addressing the assembly
shorterstory: Contemplation
shorterstory: Lara in the menagerie
shorterstory: She's a deep thinker, this one
shorterstory: Assisted sitting
shorterstory: Three aunts and a baby
shorterstory: Bopping!
shorterstory: Emily cuddles
shorterstory: Look at that hairline!
shorterstory: In the bunny
shorterstory: Lara had a little lamb
shorterstory: Sleeping around
shorterstory: More pilates
shorterstory: Breaking with Mr. Ben
shorterstory: Daddy shows her how it's done
shorterstory: Cousin Eric
shorterstory: Cousin Jeff
shorterstory: Carrier: Carry her!
shorterstory: Godfather
shorterstory: St. Lara speaks to the animals
shorterstory: Less saintlike
shorterstory: Shadowy portents
shorterstory: Very noir
shorterstory: Admiring the wee one
shorterstory: Your eminence
shorterstory: Hands by your head!