shorterstory: ben n me with our team captains
shorterstory: one body, many heads
shorterstory: the girls!
shorterstory: me n shmiz (my MOH)
shorterstory: nametags
shorterstory: making up
shorterstory: corsetry
shorterstory: the maidz
shorterstory: close up on the hair
shorterstory: mom zips me up for the camera(s)
shorterstory: moment of silence
shorterstory: more silence.
shorterstory: walk in the wilderness
shorterstory: ben and me with my family
shorterstory: the boys' team!
shorterstory: like seven james bonds
shorterstory: ketubah tableau
shorterstory: in line to enter grove
shorterstory: parents in the grove
shorterstory: entering the grove
shorterstory: down the aisle
shorterstory: under the chuppah
shorterstory: the grove
shorterstory: release of the butterflies!
shorterstory: entry into reception
shorterstory: look how beautiful it was
shorterstory: no, really, look
shorterstory: the cake w/ bouquets
shorterstory: table one