short&plastic: Outstanding in his field
short&plastic: Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety. -- Rene Daumal
short&plastic: Smoke Falls is a popular hiking spot
short&plastic: commuter flight
short&plastic: "We're gonna need more bottles."
short&plastic: Independence Day
short&plastic: I kinda hope he doesn't catch anything
short&plastic: in a sour mood
short&plastic: improving on nature
short&plastic: iced coffee exploration
short&plastic: if there's cake, it's a party!
short&plastic: I said, 'Bigger muffin tins!'
short&plastic: I told you the potatoes were too salty...
short&plastic: I just have this strange urge to play mini-golf...
short&plastic: I might just skip dinner...
short&plastic: how they frost those mini cupcakes
short&plastic: I had an uneasy feeling, like I was being watched...
short&plastic: Hot stuff
short&plastic: How they fill K-cups.
short&plastic: hiking on Mount Pfeffernuesse
short&plastic: his text messages take forever
short&plastic: Hors d'oeuvre
short&plastic: harvesting the grapes
short&plastic: he hated the beach
short&plastic: high tide
short&plastic: hard boiled
short&plastic: Happy Father's Day