Shopping Diva: All done!!!
Shopping Diva: Almost done!
Shopping Diva: Dumping the goodies
Shopping Diva: Finding something good!!
Shopping Diva: Emptying the eggs out of the bag
Shopping Diva: Where's Daddy!!
Shopping Diva: There's Daddy!
Shopping Diva: The eggs in the Basket
Shopping Diva: Ooopps! One cracked!
Shopping Diva: Drying time
Shopping Diva: Gemma and her eggs!
Shopping Diva: Finished Poduct
Shopping Diva: Bring on the Science Gloves!!
Shopping Diva: Beautiful Blue
Shopping Diva: Adding some glitter
Shopping Diva: We're on a roll
Shopping Diva: Glorious Green
Shopping Diva: Decorating eggs
Shopping Diva: Gemma Dancing
Shopping Diva: Gemma Dancing
Shopping Diva: Gemma dancing
Shopping Diva: The Shopping Pose
Shopping Diva: A Fashion Pose
Shopping Diva: Sweet Gemma
Shopping Diva: Ready for her Sommersault
Shopping Diva: Practicing Hand Stands
Shopping Diva: Walking Backwards
Shopping Diva: 1/2 Turn Jump
Shopping Diva: Tuck Jump
Shopping Diva: Knee Drop