Shooz: Cleaning
Shooz: Tom the Tug
Shooz: Vertigo
Shooz: Repairs at Tottenham Lock
Shooz: Tottenham Hale
Shooz: Ferry Lane
Shooz: Fixing the Lock
Shooz: Nighttime
Shooz: Nighttime
Shooz: Daytime
Shooz: Earlier that afternoon
Shooz: Tottenham Lock
Shooz: This way
Shooz: DX lens on F80
Shooz: DX lens on F80
Shooz: Pavement gum
Shooz: Autumn Cycling
Shooz: Crash
Shooz: Up
Shooz: Catching up on the news
Shooz: They look like tombstones...
Shooz: Clear
Shooz: No more use for it
Shooz: Watch
Shooz: sitting on a wall...
Shooz: Happiest wheelie bin
Shooz: Not easy to lose