Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Barlin the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Dwalin the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Bofur the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Bombur the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Oin the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Thorin Oakenshield.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Gloin the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Fili the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Nori the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Kili the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Bifur the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Dori the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Ori the Dwarf.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - The journey begins.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - The first met.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Story telling.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - The last dinner.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - The Persuasion.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - The Journey.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Eyeing.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO The Hobbit - Fight.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: Another visiting?
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO - The Hobbit, Gollum.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO - The Hobbit.
Andy Pang @ shootx2: LEGO - The Hobbit.