ShooterD: A dangerous place! 46/365
ShooterD: The Cave. 47/365
ShooterD: The REWARD. 48/365
ShooterD: Chimney Top. 49/365
ShooterD: A moment in time.
ShooterD: Cave inside a cave.
ShooterD: Inside the cave.
ShooterD: The beauty of it all.
ShooterD: Rock bridge.
ShooterD: Under the bridge.
ShooterD: Climbing to the top of the bridge.
ShooterD: On top of Rock bridge.
ShooterD: Half Moon Arch.
ShooterD: Heading up Half Moon.
ShooterD: Sun hitting the cliffs.
ShooterD: The way up.
ShooterD: The way down
ShooterD: Red River Gorgeous
ShooterD: At the tippy tippy top.
ShooterD: From camp with the Dingo.
ShooterD: Night fire.
ShooterD: Night on Chimney Top.
ShooterD: Night on Chimney Top 2.