Shook Photos: Greetings from America, 2008 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Greetings from America - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, 2009 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: President Barack Obama, Inauguration Day 2009 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: President Barack Obama, Change Has Come to America, 2008 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Barack Obama, Vote for Change, 2008 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Re-Elect Barack Obama, Forward - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Re-Elect Michelle Obama, Fashion Forward - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Greetings from the West, 2008 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Greetings from the South, 2008 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Greetings from the Midwest, 2008 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Greetings from the East, 2008 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Close GITMO, Restore Habeas Corpus, 2009 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Welcome Back to Afghanistan, 2009 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Greetings from Swat Valley, Pakistan, 2009 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: An American Litany, 2010 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Go Back to Alaska Sarah Palin, 2008 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Stay Home in Alaska, Sarah Palin, 2010 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Stay home in Texas, Rick Perry, "All Hat and No Cattle" - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Senator Olympia Snowe - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Heathers (Whitman, Angle, Palin, O'Donnell, Bachmann) - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Mean Girls - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: The Goodbye Girls - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: The "Right" Stuff, 2010 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: The "Right" Stuff (Palin, Boehner, Beck, O'Donnell), 2010 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: The "Right" Stuff (Limbaugh, Rove, Cantor, Paladino), 2010 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: The "Right" Stuff (Whitman, McConnell, Blount, Bachmann), 2010 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: The "Right" Stuff (Paul, Angle, Brewer, McCain), 2010 - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Boob, Twit, Nope, Dope - Larry Fulton Postcard
Shook Photos: Boner (John Boehner) - Larry Fulton Postcard