Shook Photos: I'm Getting My Share - Postcard
Shook Photos: I'm Getting My Share in - Postcard
Shook Photos: Market Stronger - Advertising Postcard
Shook Photos: Woman with Stock Ticker, New York - Postcard
Shook Photos: Turkey Stock Is High To-day - Postcard
Shook Photos: Valentine Greetings - Postcard
Shook Photos: To My Valentine - Postcard
Shook Photos: Ezra Brooks Liquor Ticker, 1970 - Postcard
Shook Photos: Edison Stock Ticker, First Patent Edison Sold - Postcard
Shook Photos: Kopit and Keepit Mining Company Stocks - Postcard
Shook Photos: Preferred is Going to Par - Postcard
Shook Photos: Knock Wood - Postcard
Shook Photos: What's love without coin? - Postcard
Shook Photos: Love Me and the World is Mine - Postcard
Shook Photos: Money in Chickens - Postcard
Shook Photos: Investing Her Money, For A Rainy Day - Postcard
Shook Photos: Money Makes the World go 'Round - Postcard
Shook Photos: Little Hayseeds Investing, 1907 - Postcard
Shook Photos: A Slump in the Market - Postcard
Shook Photos: They say stock's as good as money. In dont' think! - Postcard
Shook Photos: Bring Back the Bull - Postcard
Shook Photos: This Little Pig Went to Market - Postcard
Shook Photos: This Little Pig Went to Market - Postcard
Shook Photos: This Little Pig Went to Market - Postcard
Shook Photos: The First Stock Ticker - Postcard
Shook Photos: The Nation's Market Place - Postcard
Shook Photos: I Want You for Stopping the Financial Crisis - Postcard
Shook Photos: Did It Ever Occur To You, Pocket Book and Check Book - Postcard
Shook Photos: Did It Ever Occur To You, Old Bills - Postcard
Shook Photos: Did It Ever Occur To You, Time Is Money - Postcard