shonk: Ready to get started
shonk: Post-talk
shonk: An American, a Pole, a Russian, and a German walk into an Italian bar...
shonk: Workshop: finished
shonk: Ulisse Dini
shonk: Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
shonk: Fuck Austerity
shonk: The View From My Room
shonk: The View From My Room II
shonk: Chiesa di Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri
shonk: Florence Cathedral and Baptistery
shonk: Bronze doors, but not THE bronze doors
shonk: I’ve got my eye on you
shonk: The famous bronze doors
shonk: Baptistery
shonk: C’mon, read my screenplay
shonk: Carrying bodies is hard work
shonk: Duomo
shonk: Lionheads
shonk: Neo-Gothic
shonk: Touristing
shonk: Borromean rings
shonk: Borromean rings
shonk: Nice hotel
shonk: Eat hoof, serf
shonk: Inventing shit like every single day
shonk: Not gonna fly
shonk: Palazzo Vecchio
shonk: Neptune’s posse
shonk: Giotto has some crazy eyes