Simalot: Minna Elias, her son Oren and daughter Talia
Simalot: Shlomit Gorrin
Simalot: Jon Levy and Elana (Zipor) Levy, along with children Daniel and Eric
Simalot: MeronLavie
Simalot: Shuly and Erling Andersen
Simalot: The Mannheims: Jon, Gaby, Andy, Sarah, and Dan
Simalot: Bonnie (Plutzer) Ellinger with son Elan and grandsons Noam, Ziv and Yonatan
Simalot: Edna, Ely, Udi, Inbal. and Lee Perlman
Simalot: Kvutza Kofit: Marsha (Michal) Attie, Susie Wallenstein, Serena Soltes, Shoshana Volkas, Haleila Nusinow, Tzipora Feldman
Simalot: Boneh (Beave) Roth and Alison Epstein and their boys Matan, Noam, and Yona
Simalot: Beinin family
Simalot: Zaccai Lewis, sister Mihal, father Eli, wife Tamar, kids Nina Rose and Raiya
Simalot: The Regev family
Simalot: Meron Lavie and son Etai - when Etai finished Bahad 1 (the first part of Officer Cadet School)
Simalot: Meron Lavie and sons Omer and Etai
Simalot: Isserofs: son Amit, wife Ruth, daughter Michal (seated), son Asaf and dog Buffy, Ami, and Tamar Kaufman Levy (aka Eydie Kaufman)
Simalot: Aryeh (in purple shirt)
Simalot: Chaya Beinin and grandchildren Ofri, Neta, and Aya
Simalot: Beth Fleischer and Mike Pollitt with Kavik and The Monkman
Simalot: Eitan Ginsburg with sons Jonathan and Benji
Simalot: Son Noah, Mother Genia, Haleila Nusinow Son Adam
Simalot: Mihal
Simalot: Yehuda Beinin and granddaughter Aya
Simalot: Rafi Skrzydlo and Mintzy Clement with grandson Noah
Simalot: Liberty Moshava 1963 -- unsure (maybe Tzvi (Calvin) Body)?)
Simalot: Liberty Moshava 1963 -- Shuli Dubinsky (now Andersen)
Simalot: Liberty Moshava 1963 -- Shuli Dubinsky (now Andersen) with (maybe) Joey (Joel) Beinin
Simalot: Liberty Moshava 1963 -- Hillel Shenker
Simalot: Miri and Alon Regev
Simalot: Neil Hurwitz and daughter Samantha