Sholeh: China dolls
Sholeh: Cafe inside a historic building in Geneva
Sholeh: Geneva, IL
Sholeh: Geneva, IL
Sholeh: A new fountain area on Halsted and Roosevelt
Sholeh: The Planetarium
Sholeh: Off in the distance...
Sholeh: Checking out the city
Sholeh: Disappearing.
Sholeh: I Heart the Planetarium
Sholeh: collage
Sholeh: My city
Sholeh: "Prom"enade
Sholeh: One of the bedrooms
Sholeh: View of the porch
Sholeh: View from the cabin
Sholeh: Green Lake from the shore
Sholeh: Down a hill...scary!
Sholeh: Up the haunted tower's stairs
Sholeh: Down the stairs again...
Sholeh: A meadow!
Sholeh: On the water
Sholeh: Sunset
Sholeh: TP!
Sholeh: Monks
Sholeh: Look closely
Sholeh: Bird Man
Sholeh: A live infomercial!
Sholeh: It got dark...but it was so beautiful!
Sholeh: My city