shokographic: IMG_0074
shokographic: IMG_0070
shokographic: IMG_0072
shokographic: IMG_0069
shokographic: IMG_0068
shokographic: IMG_0067
shokographic: My new Danish collection started :) Drawings by Bjørn Wiinblad
shokographic: Soaking wet walking from Mikkeller's bar to War Pigs in Vestorbro in thunderstorm rain
shokographic: 2 very wet men at War Pigs brewery bar
shokographic: DSC01876
shokographic: Ottosson's summer house in the height of Swedish summer
shokographic: IMG_0065
shokographic: 3 generation Ottossons, Roland Pappa, Nils the baby 2, and Ola
shokographic: Usual drinking session when in Copenhagen, we come here more than once in our 1-2 day stay always
shokographic: Amazing burning sky background, Petter and Mamma Ing-Britt
shokographic: DSC01870
shokographic: DSC01868
shokographic: DSC01867
shokographic: DSC01866
shokographic: DSC01865
shokographic: DSC01861
shokographic: DSC01859
shokographic: DSC01858
shokographic: DSC01857
shokographic: DSC01856
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shokographic: DSC01854
shokographic: IMG_0063
shokographic: IMG_0062