Kevin Mitchell: Lindsay walking by the anchor on the beach
Kevin Mitchell: sunset vertical jenner california (8)-2.jpg
Kevin Mitchell: Cressi freediving mask
Kevin Mitchell: Dive and freediving gear drying on the fish cleaning station
Kevin Mitchell: Dive equipment drying on anchor
Kevin Mitchell: Dive equipment drying on anchor near beach
Kevin Mitchell: Sai the dog looking at the beach
Kevin Mitchell: Sai by an anchor on the beach
Kevin Mitchell: Sai by the anchor on the beach
Kevin Mitchell: Sai by rock with drying dive gear
Kevin Mitchell: Fish head and spine in washed up seaweed
Kevin Mitchell: Fish head and spine in washed up seaweed part 2
Kevin Mitchell: Toyota Yaris parking in Jenner
Kevin Mitchell: sunset vertical jenner california (18).jpg
Kevin Mitchell: Lindsay reading her book
Kevin Mitchell: Lindsay reading her book in the tent
Kevin Mitchell: Lindsay and Sai sitting by the fire
Kevin Mitchell: Foot silhouette in front of fire
Kevin Mitchell: Sai living in her dog bed
Kevin Mitchell: Sai laying in her dog bed in the tent
Kevin Mitchell: Start of the sunrise
Kevin Mitchell: sunset vertical jenner california (10).jpg
Kevin Mitchell: Sunrise in Jenner
Kevin Mitchell: Sunrise in Jenner without spots
Kevin Mitchell: Aftermath from wave hitting the tent
Kevin Mitchell: Wave crashing on rock sunrise
Kevin Mitchell: Wave crashing on rock
Kevin Mitchell: Sunrise Jenner
Kevin Mitchell: Cliff and mist post sunrise