the origin of shoeism: Pile of rocks I noticed after I bought my house
the origin of shoeism: Exploring the new house
the origin of shoeism: "That wallpaper is awful!"
the origin of shoeism: Couch in the living room
the origin of shoeism: Cat at the top of the steps
the origin of shoeism: See ya, striped wallpaper
the origin of shoeism: Momentarily bored
the origin of shoeism: If he can reach the ceiling...
the origin of shoeism: Rinsing off a roller
the origin of shoeism: Doug stirring
the origin of shoeism: That's a long stick you've got there
the origin of shoeism: Happy to stir paint
the origin of shoeism: Painting trim
the origin of shoeism: Painting trim
the origin of shoeism: "No pictures!"