the origin of shoeism: Recycle, okay?
the origin of shoeism: "Live out loud"
the origin of shoeism: Letter opener
the origin of shoeism: "Look deep into my eyes"
the origin of shoeism: Dog called Nadia
the origin of shoeism: What do you hear, Nadia?
the origin of shoeism: Dry Brush Lean
the origin of shoeism: Artsy Fartsy Shy
the origin of shoeism: Rice Crispie Goodness
the origin of shoeism: Has given up
the origin of shoeism: Flattened ears = Anger
the origin of shoeism: Chin Profile
the origin of shoeism: This is why my cat plots my death most nights
the origin of shoeism: Yeeeeeeeeees?
the origin of shoeism: Camera Effect