the origin of shoeism:
Vase in a window
the origin of shoeism:
the origin of shoeism:
Eater of Flowers
the origin of shoeism:
Curious Cat (natural)
the origin of shoeism:
Curious Cat (seventies)
the origin of shoeism:
You can see what she's thinking
the origin of shoeism:
Port Window
the origin of shoeism:
the origin of shoeism:
the origin of shoeism:
Hey there good lookin', she thought smugly
the origin of shoeism:
the origin of shoeism:
This is surprise, mixed in with a little horror
the origin of shoeism:
Shock, do shock now
the origin of shoeism:
the origin of shoeism:
Smuggest Look Ever
the origin of shoeism:
Hello, I'm next to an icicle. For scale.
the origin of shoeism:
Now I'm down here, next to the icicle
the origin of shoeism:
Bite it
the origin of shoeism:
GIANT icicle
the origin of shoeism:
Posing with an Icicle
the origin of shoeism:
Lonely buried shovel
the origin of shoeism:
Lonely shovel
the origin of shoeism:
Aw, look who is suddenly shy
the origin of shoeism:
Light moves
the origin of shoeism:
I like my hair today
the origin of shoeism:
the origin of shoeism:
Footprints in the snow
the origin of shoeism:
You have to record those moments when your hair doesn't look awful
the origin of shoeism:
High School Portrait Re-enactment
the origin of shoeism:
Blinded by the light