shoalcreeksucculents: Anax junius - male (Common Green Darner)
shoalcreeksucculents: Argia fumipennis violacea - male and female (Violet Dancer)
shoalcreeksucculents: Argia fumipennis violacea - male (Violet Dancer)
shoalcreeksucculents: Argia fumipennis violacea - male (Violet Dancer)
shoalcreeksucculents: Calopteryx maculata - male (Ebony Jewelwing)
shoalcreeksucculents: Celithemis elisa - male (Calico Pennant)
shoalcreeksucculents: Celithemis eponina - male (Halloween Pennant)
shoalcreeksucculents: Choppers 1 and two
shoalcreeksucculents: Enallagma antennatum - male (Rainbow Bluet)
shoalcreeksucculents: Enallagma basidens - male (Double-striped Bluet)
shoalcreeksucculents: Enallagma signatum - male (Orange Bluet)
shoalcreeksucculents: Epitheca costalis - male (Slender Baskettail)
shoalcreeksucculents: Erythemis simplicicollis - female (Eastern Pondhawk)
shoalcreeksucculents: Erythemis simplicicollis - female (Eastern Pondhawk)
shoalcreeksucculents: Erythemis simplicicollis - female (Eastern Pondhawk)
shoalcreeksucculents: Erythemis simplicicollis - female (Eastern Pondhawk)
shoalcreeksucculents: Erythemis simplicicollis - male (Eastern Pondhawk)
shoalcreeksucculents: Erythemis simplicollis - male (Eastern Pondhawk)
shoalcreeksucculents: Ischnura verticalis - female (Eastern Forktail)
shoalcreeksucculents: Ischnura verticalis - male (Eastern Forktail)
shoalcreeksucculents: Ischnura verticalis - male (Eastern Forktail)
shoalcreeksucculents: Ischnura verticalis - red form female (Eastern Forktail)
shoalcreeksucculents: Ischnura verticalis - red form female (Eastern Forktail)
shoalcreeksucculents: Lestes sp. (Spreadwing)