shmee: Kristina and Lee
shmee: Angela, Lee and Scott
shmee: Lee and Scott and Angela's awards
shmee: Tayah and her crab award
shmee: Lee and Tay
shmee: Tay and her Brace Face award
shmee: Lee and Nicole
shmee: Uncle Bob and the trophy
shmee: Joe and his horseshoe championship award
shmee: Uncle Bob, Roland and Gary
shmee: Uncle Den and Joe with their awards
shmee: Sockeyes versus Cohos
shmee: Soccer half time
shmee: Jean and Karel's cabin
shmee: Dad on a stump.
shmee: Roland, Tay, Mom and Auntie Mary
shmee: Neil and Roland
shmee: Mike, Dad and Angela
shmee: Sockeyes and Cohos
shmee: Sockeyes and Cohos
shmee: Dad, Scott, Gary and Matt
shmee: David and Blake
shmee: Uncle Den and Roxy
shmee: Tayah and Shamus
shmee: Tay and Mafeno
shmee: Roxy the puggle
shmee: Mike and Uncle Den
shmee: Nicole, Tayler, Tayah and Shamie
shmee: IMGP6012
shmee: Uncle Ron and his tractor