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"Beauty Is" Project by Ashlyn G
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Ashlyn G
"... Strength and Power"
Ashlyn G
"...Getting Fired Up about Football"
Ashlyn G
"...Embracing my Inner Child"
Ashlyn G
"...Channeling Audrey Hepburn"
Ashlyn G
"...drinking in movies, books, and video games"
Ashlyn G
"...making, listening to, and writing music"
Ashlyn G
"...a wild imagination (and winning the House Cup)"
Ashlyn G
Ashlyn G
"...watching chick-flicks in a man-shirt and boxers"
Ashlyn G
"...embracing the sexy and the nerdy together"
Ashlyn G
"...expressing myself"
Ashlyn G
"...wearing my favorite pairs of shoes"
Ashlyn G
Ashlyn G
...being reminded that I am always Loved!
Ashlyn G
...remembering to play with your toys
Ashlyn G
Ashlyn G
...Experiencing Nature
Ashlyn G
...Being in Tune with my Emotions
Ashlyn G
Ashlyn G
...Dancing with the One You Love!
Ashlyn G
...Just hanging out in jeans and a T-shirt with all my Books
Ashlyn G
...Being: In Charge, Confident, Competent, Strong
Ashlyn G
...trying new Recipes