Shirren Lim Photography: .no more i love yous.
Shirren Lim Photography: .the world thru my eyes.
Shirren Lim Photography: .[my] soul divided.
Shirren Lim Photography: .crazy/beautiful.
Shirren Lim Photography: .waiting [in vain].
Shirren Lim Photography: +[looking out for] an angel+
Shirren Lim Photography: **in solitude<<
Shirren Lim Photography: .have a little faith [in me].
Shirren Lim Photography: .soul survivor.
Shirren Lim Photography: .melancholy of a flowering tree.
Shirren Lim Photography: +master of private reality+
Shirren Lim Photography: **joyful joyful**
Shirren Lim Photography: .[walk this way].
Shirren Lim Photography: .[man in the mirror].
Shirren Lim Photography: .field of dreams.
Shirren Lim Photography: [something] re:posted
Shirren Lim Photography: [the many faces of eve]
Shirren Lim Photography: .requiem for a dream.
Shirren Lim Photography: *darkness falls*
Shirren Lim Photography: .wednesday's child+
Shirren Lim Photography: .that summer that sunday.